Thursday, October 17, 2024


LINK to online version

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is refusing to attend the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner (October 17), a New York Catholic charity event which has been traditionally attended by presidential candidates since 1960, except for 1984 when Walter Mondale stiffed the event.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and host of the event, believes that Harris’  spurning his invitation doesn’t bode well for her presidential prospects given that Mondale only won one state out of fifty, his home state of Minnesota.

Others are calling out Harris for snobbery and contempt for Catholics. However, I think Harris made the right decision.

Harris has nothing to gain by showing up to Dolan’s party. She already has the Catholic vote…and probably Dolan’s.

The majority of Catholics historically vote democrat no matter how radically hostile to Catholicism their candidate is, including “Catholic” Joe Biden. In fact, a recent study confirmed that between 2018 and 2024, 83% of donations from major Catholic charity organizations went to pro-abortion Democrat-affiliated political action committees.

Some people still scratch their heads at this phenomenon, but I don’t. Since at least the mid 1960’s, Catholics have become increasingly anti-Catholic in everything but their traditions and fiestas.

I already laid out in a previous column (“And we’re concerned about Pagans in Paris?”, Aug. 15, 2024) some pretty damning facts. According to a 2021 Pew Research poll, the majority of Catholics support abortion, same-sex marriage, and artificial birth control - all stuff Harris and the Democrats radically champion.

Dolan, as archbishop of one of the largest dioceses in the nation, has continually demonstrated that he prefers to be a jolly-old bishop in the “Church of Nice” as he is repeatedly squeamish when it comes to doing anything more than whining when Catholic moral teaching is threatened.

In 2019, Dolan clashed with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over a law authorizing late-term abortions. Dolan said all the right things, but took no action, refusing to excommunicate Cuomo or even deny him Holy Communion, falling back on the tired excuse that “excommunication should not be used as a weapon.”

Nowhere does the Catholic Church teach that excommunication is anything but a medicinal measure. The end goal of excommunication or even the temporary denial of Holy Communion is always to bring a wayward Catholic back to the fold. It’s a “pastoral” action, not “a weapon.”

Dolan knows this because in the same statement where he refused to discipline Cuomo, he said:

"From a pastoral perspective, if a pastor…knows of a grave situation involving a parishioner, it is his duty to address that issue personally and directly with the parishioner.”

This is true when the “grave situation” is “personal.” But Cuomo, at the time, was no ordinary “personal” parishioner. He was the governor of the state of New York and his support for abortion up to delivery was a glaring public matter.

In 2011, Dolan pretty much did the same side-step when New York legalized same-sex marriage. Dolan spoke out against the legislation but took no action, causing the author of the blog “Queering the Church” to write: “the really interesting thing about the Catholic bishops and NY gay marriage is not how vigorously they fought against it (as the headlines would have it), but how lukewarm this opposition was overall, and how calm they have been in response.”

Appearing on Fox and Friends for Thanksgiving in 2010, Dolan, in an apparent attempt to be “a nice guy,” said that God could be a “him or her (or) whatever you want:”

“We're grateful to God. We're conscious that somebody, some call him or her, whatever you want, somebody beyond us is in charge and we are immensely grateful that it's not about us.” (Fox and Friends, Nov. 24, 2010).

At the time, Dolan wasn’t just the archbishop of New York, he was president of the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops and he said the God could be a “him or her” thing on national television. So you see why Candidate Harris isn’t much concerned about losing any Catholic votes by dissing Dolan’s invite.

Despite Dolan’s public pouting, Harris knows she can count on Dolan’s vote as well as the majority of New York and U.S. Catholics because most U.S. bishops appear to be more concerned over “mean tweets” than aborting babies up to delivery - which, by the way, is why Harris will win Guam’s straw poll. After all, we’re used to voting for pro-aborts.

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at    

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


By Tim Rohr

As long time readers of this blog will know, I give great credit to The Diana for helping this blog gain the readership that it has, which is now closing in on 13 Million page views since July 2013, when Diana's neocat cabal began their open invasion of our local Catholic Church by first canning Fr. Paul Gofigan, and then, a year later, Msgr. James Benavente.

It all backfired of course when their hero, then-Archbishop Apuron, was outed for his crimes against children, crimes which had long been known but had been kept comfortably in the dark for decades until it became obvious that Apuron was no longer running things in the Archdiocese of Agana but was firmly in the control of the Kiko's in New Jersey.

For those who don't know, "The Diana" is the fake name of the author of the neocat blog,  Neocatechumenal Way - An Insider's View. It's a fake name because actually being forthright, upfront, and transparent is not the neocat way, at least not when it comes to the machinations behind the nice stuff they want us to see.

By contrast, while we at JungleWatch have had a few authors with a nom de plume, Tim Rohr has always been the real Tim Rohr. I have paid for it, but I have nothing to fear with the Truth on my side. And fundamentally, being untruthful is why The Diana has to hide. 

I give credit to The Diana because it was posts like the one she posted today that drove up the views on JungleWatch during the years of the Apuronic Wars, approximately 2013 to 2018, when Apuron was finally canned by Pope Francis, despite The Diana and the Kiko Cabal's attempt to keep him propped up. 

The Diana's current post references a post by Troy Torres of Kandit News and my critique of Troy's post, both of which are about the Neocat-priest, Fr. Harold Colorado Prieto. 

Before I take apart The Diana's post, I will copy here an FB post that came up (by coincidence?) in my memories today from 2013. I am copying it because, as I have often said, I have great admiration and appreciation for much of what the NCW does and the sincerity of the average member. Here it is:


Not sure. Maybe it's just the stormy weather that has me in a philosophical mood. But I hereby have decided to unfriend Zoltan and block him from these pages. Here's why.

Zoltan is a member of the Neocatechumenal Way. Almost everyone I know in the Way is a good person, sincere, truly seeking a deeper relationship with Christ, and overall, very good people. In fact, I deem the Way to be a very good thing with many fruits. The Way does what the parishes have long failed to do: find the little and the lost and bring them in. 

This is good. Shame on us who have overlooked the hurting, and praises for the NCW for having done what the rest of us have failed to do. I gave a long account of my praises for the NCW in 2008 which you can find on my blog at It remains one of the most oft-viewed posts. 

There are only a few things about "the Way" that I have an issue with, and one of those things is really just a local problem (which I'll get to another time). Most in "the Way" are willing to engage me politely or quietly ignore me. Both are acceptable. I do the same for many of my Facebook friends with whom I disagree on other matters but desire to remain friends. 

However, Zoltan, by the viciousness of his attacks, insults, slander, and an artifice of superiority, is a real discredit to "the Way" and the most of the good people in it. It is not fair to them to continue to let him smear the rest through  his ill-use of my pages. 

I continue to disagree with some of the practices of "the Way", and will continue to voice my concerns. I will also continue to entertain intelligent inquiries into my views and my own inquiries. 

Perhaps someone in "the Way" who would like to engage my concerns on an intelligent level will rise to the occasion. Maybe not. It's not necessary. The Way will continue. I have no means of interfering or stopping it, and I don't intend to.  

Like many, I have legitimate questions about what seems to be being imposed upon our island with increasing aggressiveness. The Father Paul "thing" brought this out. But it brought it out in the media first. I only responded to it. 

However, it appears that even the mere questioning of the NCW is not allowed by people like Zoltan. And anyone who does so, at least according to Zoltan, is in need of conversion. And in my long experience of dealing with this sort of thing, I have found that those who preach to you about your need for conversion are usually the ones most in need of it. 

My only regret in unfriending Zoltan is that he has thus far provided us so much evidence for what most of us knew but had no first hand information of, and I am sure there is much more we could have learned. But as mentioned, as a courtesy to the good people in "the Way", there is no point in allowing him to defame the movement even more. 

Let us persist with real friends: people who care about you enough to disagree politely and intelligently or to quietly ignore you. Both are acceptable. And I have many. 

The End.

Back in 2013, Zoltan was "The Diana" before "The Diana." However, at least Zoltan had the courage to use his real name. And in the end, Zoltan actually came around. In any case, the foregoing is more evidence that I am not hostile to the Neocatechumenal Way and indeed supportive of much of what happens within it. But my position has always been, and still is, that all of the nice stuff is a front for the nefarious purposes of the red wizards behind the curtain, and that average Catholics were and are being used.

Now, on to The Diana's post re Harold.

The Diana essentially makes my point in appealing to "there are two sides to every story." In fact, that's why I titled my first post about Troy's Harold: ONCE UPON A TIME HAROLD WAS NOT THE HAROLD TROY NOW KNOWS. (My second post is titled: THERE HAS BEEN NO APOLOGY.)  

The title and the content of my first post makes the point that if Harold is who Troy says he is NOW, then there are two Harold's, the Harold from the Apuron years and the Harold now, with a significant absence in between. 

My first post also sets out all the posts from ten years ago in which Harold is the subject, detailing and evidencing why Harold was targeted ("persecuted" as The Diana says) by this blog. The fact then was that Harold was Apuron's right hand boy.

And by the way, I don't want to take credit away from Frenchie. I did not nickname Harold "Boboboy," as The Diana claims. That was Frenchie's creation and I documented it in my post. But thanks anyway, Diana. 

Diana further makes my case by recalling how parishioners in Talofofo didn't like Harold, but parishioners in Tamuning, Umatac, and Merizo (I still use the old spelling) do. So what's the difference?

Ten years. That's the difference. Harold was assigned to Talofofo ten years ago, or thereabouts, or at least during the Apuronic Wars, during which Harold was a very visible Apuron crusader, and only in the last few years at the other parishes just mentioned.

The question is, where was Harold for several years after Apuron was canned and Harold disappeared? Why did he leave Guam, and why did he come back? 

It's not hard to see for those of us who have been in the trenches for more than a decade now. The Neocats, and I mean their generals, are re-infiltrating Guam, but this time, they are doing it nicely. 

It's a typical tactic. Their crush and destroy tactics of ten years ago blew up in their faces - thanks to the courage of a few - and, like good, Alinsky-ites, following the playbook, "Rules for Radicals," the Neocats are re-growing their base in the Marianas beginning with the appointment of Archbishop Jimenez - whether he's in on it or not. 

The specific rule I believe the Neocats are using is #2: "Never go outside the experience of your people." 

That was their mistake the first time around. They went "outside the experience" of the average Catholic with too much too soon, and it was THAT which stirred up the locals, NOT the horrors about Apuron's crimes - which were already mostly known for decades. 

So they're back, in the new "inside the experience" of the people version, which is why Harold is now likable. It's quite obvious that while Harold was away from Guam (ran away?) that he was re-trained. 

One thing I do admire about these guys is that they're persistent. If us regular Catholics would be half as persistent in studying and practicing the true Catholic Faith, we wouldn't have to deal with The Diana's and The Harold's. They'd have to find someplace else to subvert.

Friday, October 11, 2024


By Tim Rohr

The Belle's Law issue is such a discombobulated mess that I'm having a difficult time organizing my thoughts into a coherent post about what is going on given the recent denial by SCOTUS of AG Moylan's writ of certiorari.* So I'm just going to do a stream of consciousness for this one.

* A writ of certiorari orders a lower court to deliver its record in a case so that the higher court may review it.

For starters, there is no reason for any of this court mess if the Legislature would just do its job. The problem is that the Legislature left Belle's Law on the books 30 years ago after the law was enjoined. If it was enjoined because it violated Roe v Wade at the time, and it did, then it should have been immediately repealed. But instead, the lazy Legislature left it there.

And today, the Legislature is just as lazy. There is no reason to leave the law on the books and it could be repealed with a one sentence bill. But it seems no one has thought to do that, so we've been spending tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars - by now, and an untold amount of time, batting this thing around in the courts. 

Even now, with the denial from SCOTUS, no one, not even the baby-blood-thirsty governor is saying "legislate the law off the books," instead they prefer to yell at AG Moylan and tell him to shut up and sit down - which of course, the governor and her culture-of-death crew viciously enjoy.

Another discombobulation is that the denial by SCOTUS did NOT have anything to do with Belle's Law or even abortion. It had to do with whether or not the Guam Supreme Court had the authority to issue a declaratory judgment. Moylan argued that it didn't. And I argued the same in GHOSTS THAT SLAY.

However, if you listen to the governor, Jayne, and the ACLU - and the media isn't helping much, you'd think that SCOTUS handed down a decision as momentous as Roe v Wade. And of course, the pro-aborts are purposely playing it that way given that few understand what is really going on, and our local Catholic Church - via its Vicar General -  can only say it is "saddened." 

In fact, there's nothing to be sad about, and everything to bet bucked up about. (Someone tell "the Church.") The case that matters is still very much alive and this is AG Moylan's appeal which lies before the 9th Circuit. This is an appeal of the local District Court's decision to deny Moylan's motion to dissolve the 1990 injunction on Belle's Law.

The 9th Circuit has already made one decision in an abortion related matter that was not in the pro-aborts favor. And maybe this is why Lou, Jayne, and the ACLU are so rabid about shutting Moylan down ASAP.

Meanwhile, it's no surprise how the pro-aborts are playing the SCOTUS thing. Lies and deception are their modus operandi. But even though they play us for stupid, it doesn't mean that we have to be. 

Another matter

Another matter I've been meaning to address is the Guam Supreme Court's opinion (that's all it was: an opinion - not a decision) that Belle's Law had been repealed by implication. The Post reports it here:

By the end of October 2023, the Guam Supreme Court ruled that P.L. 20-134 no longer had any effect on Guam, since it was repealed by implication through subsequent laws allowing for and regulating abortion.

I was one of two amici who argued before the Guam Supreme Court in July 2023 against the governor's position that Belle's Law had been repealed by implication or was void ab initio (here and here). 

The Court ended up opining that Belle's Law had been repealed by implication due to the presence of four laws limiting abortion that had been enacted into law since Belle's Law, but, due to the strictures of Roe, still permitted abortion: The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban (2009), Parental Consent for Minors (2011), Informed Consent for Abortion (2012), and the Abortion Reporting Law (2015).

What's so ironic is that The Esperansa Project, which included myself and a few friends, was the main driver behind all four laws. In fact, over a period of eight years, we had successfully guided eight bills limiting abortion into the Guam Code. Under Roe, attempting to ban abortion outright was futile, so we did what many other states had already done, wrote and shepherded bills which limited abortion to the fullest extent of the law under Roe

Yet, here we were in 2023, having our own legislation used against us to support the governor's campaign for death in the womb. 

On a personal note, I can't help but think that one of the Justices sort of knew my role in all that because he spent several pages functionally attacking me in his Concurring Opinion. Given that I was only an amicus at the hearing, and a rather poor one at that, I was surprised to see that I took up so much space in the final opinion. 

End of stream of consciousness. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


By Tim Rohr

FROM THE PDN: The local Catholic church said it is “deeply saddened” by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision declining to hear a case brought by Attorney General Douglas Moylan that was aimed at overturning a Guam Supreme Court ruling that upheld abortion rights on the island.

Actually, the only thing to be "sad" about is that our new archbishop skipped the opportunity to initiate a showdown with the governor.

Jimenez may be in Rome, but so what. He could have signed the statement instead of hiding behind Convocar. Yah, a vicar general is authorized to do this kind of thing, but we don't want to hear from the vicar general, we want to hear from the new guy in the top spot, ESPECIALLY on this issue since the communion-going governor continues to shove baby-killing directly in our face:

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero, in a statement after the U.S. Supreme Court decision came out, said “it is time to finally put this issue to rest, and now women can have access to safe and legal abortions.”

And why is he in Rome and not here? 

What I've heard is that he's there attending the Synod as President of CPAC. Really? Is that where he needs to be after just being installed as archbishop of a diocese that was a cesspool of filth for five decades which gave rise to an incomprehensible scandal, the largest per capita in the whole Catholic world, and a horror which left us financially gutted and spiritually stripped? 

Is that where he needs to be when the governor of this place is pulling out all the stops to see to it that abortion is elevated and protected to the level of an unholy sacrament while partaking of the Real Sacrament at the archbishop's own altar?

This was an opportunity for the new archbishop to show us that he is in fact a NEW archbishop. Instead, we have the old one. Running around all over the world, posing for photos, and dumping the hard stuff onto the desks of underlings who can come up with no other condemnation for killing the unborn other than to say we're "sad." 

Yes, we are. 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


By Tim Rohr

Senator Fisher's "doula" bill, Bill 318-37, an attempt to hand over $400,000 to Jayne Flores, the Director of the Bureau of Women's affairs and Guam's most prominent, persistnt, and tireless advocate for abortion, apparently went nowhere after the public hearing so it's been snuck in as a one liner in another bill, Bill 355-37, a supplemental funding measure. 

Fisher's Bill 318-37, had a public hearing on Sept. 9, 2024. The committee report, filed on Sept. 11, 2024, due to the many testimonies against the bill, runs to over 800 pages. So it looks like Fisher and his co-sponsors decided to dump 318 and sneak it in on an omnibus spending bill as one item among 21. 


Bill 355-37 had a hearing this past Thursday, October 3, but you can be excused if you didn't know about it. While the bill made news on Sep. 16 upon its introduction, there was no mention of the appropriation to Jayne.

News after the hearing quoted Jayne protesting:

"...this project does not in any way, shape, or form, promote abortion. It is solely to promote healthier pregnancies and healthier birth outcomes in our community. Anyone who claims otherwise is completely and utterly misinformed about this project."

Anti-abortion advocate, Agnes White, responded stating that the doula appropriation "contains no mechanism of public vetting for approval of the doula education content, and that the language of Bill 355 should be clear that certified doulas would not be considered qualified persons to provide informed consent for any medical procedure, particularly for abortion."

And that's the thing, Jayne. If you're not going to use the funds to promote abortion "in any way, shape, or form," then why didn't you propose an amendment at the public hearing for both bills to say so? Well, we know why, don't we. 

Meanwhile, though, we can't even protest against the "doula bill" because it's no longer the "doula bill." The only thing before the legislature at this point is a line item appropriating $400,000 to Jayne, all mixed in with a bunch of other stuff in the millions.


Hold the sponsors accountable on November 5. 


By Tim Rohr

In ONCE UPON A TIME HAROLD WAS NOT THE HAROLD TROY NOW KNOWS, I responded to a post by Troy Torres of Kandit News which appeared to be defensive of the Neocatechumenal Way and specifically Father Harold Colorado Prieto, now assigned to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Agat. This post addresses Troy's concerns in more detail.

TROY: As a returning newcomer to my Catholic faith, I wasn't much informed of the politics surrounding the archdiocese and I had no idea Father Harold was among the priests often targeted by JungleWatch due to his association with the Neocatechumenal Way. I remember finding that out a few weeks into my journey back into Christianity and thinking, 'Gosh, I have no idea what's so wrong with Father Harold, and now I wonder about all this other stuff being said against the Way.’

As set forth in my previous post, "Harold was not the Harold Troy now knows." I don't know that for sure since I haven't had any experience with Harold in nearly ten years, but what I do know for sure is the Harold of ten years ago when he was one of Apuron's fiercest defenders, albeit a bit more behind-the-scenes than the likes of Edivaldo and Adrian. 

And what was Harold defending Apuron from? He was defending Apuron from the few brave people who had finally summoned the courage to call out Apuron for what he was eventually found guilty of and which resulted in his being permanently removed from Guam by Pope Francis himself. He was defending the man, Apuron, who had not only permitted but engaged in the rape and molestation of young children, which, as Troy has told us, he was one. 

Had Apuron admitted his crimes or even met privately to apologize to his initial accusers, the archdiocese might have been spared the loss of millions and millions of dollars in legal fees and properties, most of which had been given to the Church by common, hard-working Catholics who sacrificed their own comfort and family security to help the Church they loved.

In fact, Apuron, if he really did not do what he was accused of, would not have even had to apologize. He could have just met with those initial accusers and heard them out. I was involved with those initial accusers and I can state for a fact that all they wanted to do was confront the man they believed who had hurt them in their childhood. They did not want to sue - there was no way for them to do that in the beginning anyway, they did not want to hurt the Church, they did not want to do anything other than to assuage their childhood pain.

But what did Apuron do? He blocked the door to the Church with the likes of Adrian and Edivaldo and ultimately Harold and the rest of them, ran to Rome, and threatened to sue EVERYONE, including me. 

Tim Rohr and his associates launched a vicious and calumnious attack on the Archbishop and the Church...Those who are orchestrating this campaign are inciting people into hatred of the Archbishop and the Catholic Church. They have produced scandal, confusion and grave errors with the cruel intent to injure the Archbishop, the Catholic Church in Guam and many other people of good will who have been outraged and harassed. Therefore, the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical and legal measures against those perpetrating these malicious lies. - Press Release, Archdiocese of Agana, May 31, 2016

Around this time, certain members of the NCW, through proxies, initiated communications with certain members of my family who were rightly upset that I was putting my family in danger by standing up to Apuron and the neocat cabal which was backing him. Because I do not want to hurt my family, I won't go any further into this at this point, but eventually I had to make a decision: to shut up and let the whole thing go or lose my family. I didn't let it go. 

At that point, no one else was willing to go face to face, in the news, on TV, on the radio, and in the newspapers, to go after the vile "filth in the church" (as Pope Benedict called it) that had ruined the childhoods of innocent children like Troy. I could never have lived with myself if I had let it go. My decision, to stand up to Apuron - protected by the likes of Harold, brought immeasurable suffering and damage to my family, especially my youngest ones. 

TROY: But if we're being honest, it wasn't just the Way. The clergy sex abuse was happening before the Way was even conceived. Decades before the Way found its way to our shores, parishioners and ordinaries were looking the other way when priests and Catholic school teachers were molesting and raping children.

Exactly right. No one blamed the decades of clerical decadence on the Way. In fact, the real culprits are the parents who knew this was happening, and as Troy says "were looking the other way." But finally, those parents did rise up to end this when, at last, a few brave people began standing up. 

The real villains in this vile saga are those who did everything possible to interfere with truth and justice, including those who destroyed my family, and Harold was one of them. And they did this to save the Neocatechumenal Way in Guam, especially the crooked and ill-gotten seminary. 

As we would later expose, the real enemy of the Catholics of Guam was the leadership of the Neocatechumenal Way all the way up to the "Red Pope," Cardinal Fernando Filoni, the Neocats main man in Rome. 

On September 7, 2016, after a group of Catholics, otherwise known as the Laity Forward Movement, attempted to visit the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona and were turned away (another door blocked), a letter from then-Rector of the Seminary, Msgr. David C. Quitugua to then-Vicar General, Fr. Jeff San Nicolas surfaced. In the letter, Quitugua tells San Nicolas: "Cardinal Filoni's instruction is that "no 'visit' can be made to the Seminary." 

This is the seminary that Guam Catholics had been supporting for 16 years and for which they had contributed millions of dollar, a supposed "Seminary for Guam." 

Quitugua's letter confirmed what we had known for quite awhile, the Archdiocese of Agana was being run by the Neocat leadership all the way up to Rome, and that leadership, with the local seminarians including Harold as their "boots on the ground," had one mission: protect Apuron at all costs, protect the man who had perpetrated and presided over the insidious evils that Troy rightly has railed against.

TROY: My dad was part of the Way, and I never knew him to be a happier person prior to his membership in the community where he belonged. In fact, every person I know and I have met who has been in the Way is a joyful, excited Catholic...goodness overflows everywhere, within the Way, among the traditional Catholic laity and ordinaries, within the communities of our Protestant brothers and sisters, among agnostics and non-believers. We are all on different parts of a journey, each of us in need of encouragement and at times correction without prideful and wicked admonishment and abandonment.

Throughout the "Apuron Wars," the authors of JungleWatch have done their best to distinguish between the Neocat leadership, who we usually referred to as "Kiko's," and the type of members like Troy's dad. In fact, I, in particular, often wrote in praise of the Way for doing what the rest of our Church so sadly fails at: encouraging and providing for the catechesis of the laity, especially adults. I always believed that the attraction of the Way for most was that they were hungry for what their pastors should have been providing, but, save for a few, did not. 

It wasn't the fault of the common member that they were often being taught heresy, a fact that has been demonstrated time and again, and rightly labeled as such by Bishop Athanasius Schneider. The common member, whose faith formation usually consisted of little more than a few years of CCD, had little to compare the ways of the Way to. 

In fact, regular Sunday church-going Catholics will rarely ever hear a reference to the Catechism of the Catholic Church or be encouraged to read it...or read anything for that matter. And I have never heard any recommendation from the pulpit to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, something the Neocats are unwaveringly devoted to.

Despite all the "goodness everywhere within the Way" (Troy), the bad boys from New Jersey and Rome were using Guam's Hafa Adai and Inafa' maolek spirit, not to mention the unquestioning local loyalty to our Catholic Church, to bilk us for millions, insert heresy through its seminary, and protect the man who oversaw, protected, and participated in the rape and molestation of many innocent, young bodies and the mutilation of their souls. 

And in all this, Harold was Apuron's right hand man. 

So if it took "prideful and wicked admonishment and abandonment" (Troy) to out the filth, then I am proud to have been a part of it. Meanwhile, we have yet to hear an apology from Harold or any of his buddies who are still here. And the real reason there has been no apology, is because they are not sorry. In fact they are still here because Harold and his pals are not only not going away, they are preparing for their next move, and in my opinion, the appointment of Ryan Jimenez as our new archbishop was a significant step in that direction. I'll leave it to Jimenez to prove otherwise.

Friday, October 4, 2024



And averaging over 14,000 views per day so far this month.


In other news, it's always fun to see which posts the enemies of this blog succeed at censoring:

You may want to read it again to see why it was censored by Facebook - due to a complaint. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024


By Tim Rohr

In his post of Sep. 22, 2024, Troy Torres of Kandit News, both gives me kudos and takes me to task. 

"A note from JungleWatch's Tim Rohr to me about not letting Judas come between Jesus and me opened my mind to the idea that I could be more than just a cafeteria Catholic."

"Father Harold was among the priests often targeted by JungleWatch due to his association with the Neocatechumenal Way." 

Troy then references "the scapegoating of the Way," which, of course, is a direct reference to "JungleWatch's Tim Rohr."

To get to the point, Troy likes Father Harold (Colorado Prieto) and has "learned so much from this priest." Troy continues: "I'm glad I didn't write him off based on what others had said or written about him."

What was "said or written about him" is a reference to what was "said or written about him" on JungleWatch, and JungleWatch, for the most part, is Tim Rohr.

I'm glad Troy has returned to his Catholic Faith and that he has found a priest he can "learn so much from." I'm also glad that it appears Fr. Harold has matured from his days as Apuron's "Boboboy," as Frenchie called him, and is taking his priestly ministry seriously. 

What was "said or written" about now-Father Harold, mostly was about what happened ten years ago (when he was a deacon), when just a few brave lay people were standing up to pure hell, and a hell that some of us still suffer because of what it cost us and continues to cost us - while so many others have cashed in.

Rather than recount how Harold was involved in all that, I'll list and link the posts where his name appears in JungleWatch at the end of this post and let readers read what was "said or written about him" once again, or maybe for the first time.

One thing that Troy may not know is how close I was to most of the first seminarians, including Harold, for several years before things went down hill. 

In 2005, when I opened John Paul the Great Book and Gift Shop in the Agana Shopping Center, a group of seminarians, including Harold (if I remember right) came with their guitars and voices and participated in the opening ceremony and blessing. 

Thereafter, seminarians and priests from RMS often visited the store and we had many great visits. Those visits led to our forming an alliance to set up a table at the Wednesday Night Market at Chamorro Village, where we passed out Catholic literature, sold books and Catholic items, and evangelized anyone who would talk with us. 

About the same time I was running a chemical and cleaning supply company and the seminary was one of my customers. I serviced their dish machine and other chemical dispensing mechanical devices in the seminary kitchen and I would usually be invited to stay for lunch if I happened to be around during lunch time. I had many great conversations in those days over lunch at the seminary and was personally close with Fr. Ivan. 

I also had started a Catholic apologetics study group for lay people and we used to meet at the seminary every Saturday for several months with some of the seminarians attending. 

All was well until the Fr. Paul Gofigan canning blew up in 2013, followed by a similar canning of Msgr. James Benavente in 2014. Then there was the discovery of Apuron's secret alienation of the archdiocese's most valuable asset.

Then there came John Toves in late 2014 with his public outing of Apuron's misdeeds with his cousin. This led to a massive mess with Apuron and his neo-backers on one side and everyone who wanted the truth - including Troy - on the other. 

Given Toves' accusation and what a lot of people already knew or suspected about Apuron, it was no surprise to anyone that Harold, the "cutest" seminarian (Troy calls him "cute") was Apuron's ever present "boy" and his driver. Later on we learned that Apuron and Harold travelled together. 

It's not Harold's fault. Like many of the RMS seminarians, he was brought here from South America or Africa, or some place far away by the Neocat generals (the Gennarini's et. al), with the promise of becoming a priest in paradise. Where were these guys going to run to if something went wrong? (Actually some did run. The name "Daniel" comes to mind.)

Harold, like most of the other RMS guys, were mostly just caught in the crossfire between the Apuron protectors and the people on the street who were sick and tired of being lied to, stolen from, and having their sons raped - including, per Troy's own story, Troy.

It's nice to know that Harold has become a priest we can now "learn so much from." But once upon a time, Harold was not the Harold who Troy now knows. 

And thank God for that. And thank God for the people who stood up to the evil in this place so that people like Troy could finally find justice.

March 4, 2014 FROM JANET B

May 27, 2014 A SAD DAY FOR GUAM


June 13, 2014 YAWN


October 13, 2014 UNFKGBELIEVABLE

October 23, 2014 YOU'RE WELCOME

October 24, 2014 BREAKING


December 28, 2014 REPORT ON MASS (?) WITH FR. (?) HAROLD


January 5, 2015 THE SCHEDULE

January 17, 2015 EDIVALDO

January 19, 2015 EMAIL FROM MANILA



Saturday, July 4, 2015 WHAT'S UP, BARRIGADA?


September 2, 2015 SMH


October 27, 2015 WHERE IS HAROLD?


October 29, 2015 HASTA LA VISTA BABY!


November 2, 2015 HEY HAROLD, GOING "ON MISSION"??? - LIAR

November 6, 2015 SO JUST LIKE....


November 16, 2015 MORE HUSH MONEY?

November 25, 2015 THE MITER MYSTERY



January 22, 2016 WAVING FOR NOTHING




April 20, 2016 $$$$$$$$$$$$ GOING STRAIGHT TO THE NEO'S







June 29, 2021 THEY ARE BAAAAACK!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024


LINK to online version

Note: The Post has done a few edits to the published version. The original is set forth below.

As expected, the abortion issue blew up during the recent presidential debate with one of the main issues being whether or not Kamala Harris and the Democrats want to kill babies after birth. Here is the exchange:

TRUMP: "Her vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine. He also says execution after birth — it's execution, no longer abortion, because the baby is born — is OK.”

I suppose you would expect to see Harris’ reply but Harris didn’t have to reply because the debate moderator, Linsey Davis, replied for her:

DAVIS: "There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born.”

Sometimes Trump’s passion gets the better of him so he missed an opportunity to invite Davis onto the stage and join Harris, but he also missed an opportunity to fact-check Davis’ fact-check.

Trump’s comeback should have been “what do you call discarding a crying, squirming, just born baby as bio-waste?” Because that is exactly what is perfectly legal in at least 15 states, including Minnesota where Governor Tim Walz signed a bill into law removing existing legal protections for children who survive botched abortions.

And because mothers probably don’t want to hear their baby crying while it dies in a trash can, the baby is sometimes immediately “dispatched.” There isn’t the room to document this here so just search for “drowning aborted babies.”

That’s why Trump called it “execution” and it is perfectly legal in 15 states. In fact, it was perfectly legal in Guam prior to November 27, 2013. That’s the date Public Law 32-090 was enacted.

Guam’s 2013 law mandates - among other things - that should a child survive an abortion the physician performing the abortion must take “all medically appropriate and reasonable steps to preserve the life and health of an infant.” (9 GCA §91.04(d))

At its public hearing, the legislation (Bill 195-32) was vigorously opposed by none other than our now-governor. She was clever as to how she opposed it though, arguing that the legislation was “unnecessary: "I am aware that there is already federal legislation that addresses the issue at hand, thus making this legislation unnecessary." (Committee Report, Bill 195-32.)

The “federal legislation” Leon Guerrero was referring to was the 2002 Born Alive Infant Protections Act, which, while defining infants surviving botched abortions as “full persons under the law,” lacked an enforcement mechanism to protect those “full persons.”

Even though drowning said “full persons” in a toilet, tossing them out as bio-waste, or intentionally letting “full persons” die on the delivery table is essentially aggravated murder at worst and negligent homicide at best, Bill 195-32 stopped short of the penalty for murder or homicide and left the matter for civil and disciplinary action.

Nevertheless, requiring normal medical care for a living, breathing, just-born child who his or her mother didn’t want was too much for our now-governor so she functionally argued to let the baby die while lecturing the legislature to show “more concern” for the unemployment rate. (Committee Report, Bill 195-32.)

One of the testimonies in support of the bill was submitted by a mother who lost a daughter named “Natasha” - for whom Natasha’s Law was named. Natasha’s mother recommended that the legislation, if successful, be named “Kaitlyn’s Law.”

Kaitlyn was a baby girl who survived an abortion. In another testimony, Kaitlyn’s father tells the story:

“Our daughter, Kaitlyn, survived a late-term abortion by a woman who ingested pills issued (to her at the) Women’s Clinic. Instead of inducing (the) abortion as intended, the woman went into labor and a friend (drove) her to GMH where she delivered a live 3 1/2 pound ‘preemie’ and subsequently abandoned her there.Through the good offices of our priest and godly social worker, we took the child into our home at age 34 days. After three court appearances over the next eight months, she officially became our daughter.”

Kaitlyn’s father continues: 

“The girl is a bonafide miracle child. No only did Kaitlyn escape the medical issues one might expect in a child who entered the world under such adverse conditions, she emerged as a beautiful island girl, healthy, athletic and startlingly intelligent - nothing (my wife) and I can take genetic credit for, but we consider ourselves blessed for the privilege to raise such a child.”

Attached to his testimony are pictures of this “beautiful island girl” which you can see in the Committee Report for Bill 195-32 at

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at   


FRC Releases Updated Map and Issue Brief, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

SBA Pro-Life Score Card: Sen. Kamala Harris(former) California (Democrat)

Democrats Block Thune’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


As set out in the previous post, Troy Torres of Kandit News had some harsh words for the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee and specifically its Chairman, Sharon O'Mallan. To Kandit's credit, Sharon's response was posted on its website and Facebook Page. We copy it here.


Kandit is misinformed and misinforming readers on doula issue, pro-life agenda • By Sharon O'Mallan

On Friday Kandit’s Facebook ran a not so friendly discussion about myself and our pro-life group.   I was busy over the weekend, like most people, and also didn’t have a computer to respond.   Let me try and see if I can respond to Troy’s thoughts.

I am currently the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee Chairman.  There have been great chairmans before me and surely will be after me as we all serve on limited terms as per our Mission Statement.   It’s actually a very busy job.  We don’t just have meetings but we do a great deal of other things which involve not just abortion, but our main mission is to pray for conversion and change of hearts for people who do not understand the true harm of abortion, the death of a human being and the life long harm done to anyone involved in the abortion.

Our group can be seen out in the streets praying for an end to abortion or burying deceased abandoned babies and deceased unborn babies.  Some of our members assist in the burial of unclaimed adults.  Some of us are involved in food pantries for our brothers and sisters living in the streets or in substandard conditions.  Some of us are involved in bereavement ministries or Faith Formation groups.  We also are involved in Rachel’s Vineyards which offers post-abortion healing retreats for woman and men and families.  We get involved with other Christian groups and work together to help anyone who needs help from before conception to after death.  We hold pro-life conferences which present different wonderful volunteer groups which are out there everyday trying to improve and help and support all our brothers and sisters who need help (no matter what religion or ethnic background or belief they have). 

Troy’s accusations that we have tunnelled and insulated ourselves from the larger and actual pro-life agenda has me confused.  We don’t go out seeking recognition as we truly believe that life is from conception to natural death and beyond.   So the media does not seek us out as we are not what they want to talk about in a positive light since we are pro-life.

Prior to Roe v Wade being overturned in June 2022 our committee discussed the ramifications of that happening.   We all agreed that should Roe v Wade be overturned it would mean a lot of work for pro-life groups in each state and here on Guam.   We did not think anything would be easy.  As suspected, by April of 2023 the start of extreme abortion bills started coming out of the 37th Guam Legislature.

Bill No. 106-37 came out April 2023 by Tom Fisher and Tina Muna-Barnes.  Then Bill No. 111-37 came out in May 2023 by William Parkinson.  Both Bills were almost duplicate of each other and were extreme and harsh abortion bills.  Both bills would make abortion up to birth legal.  It would return partial birth abortions.  Both bills implied that abortion was not legal here on Guam when it is. 

On August 2, 2023 the 9th Circuit of Appeals put out an Opinion which stated that “in-person consultation” was needed before abortion.  This stopped telemedicine abortions which were happening on Guam.   The Opinion also went on to assert that abortion does not involve just one life, but two, the mother and the unborn baby. 

On August 8, 2023, William Parkinson and Tom Fisher put out Bill No. 162-37.   A bill that would change the law in regards to in-person consulting and this would make telemedicine abortions legal on Guam. 

Each time I have had to go and testify against any of these bills, it seemed that the same people were coming out to testify in support of the bills.   Same senators, same faces of supporters, etc.   

Now to the current Doula issue which I believe is what has you Troy all upset about.   In January of 2024 (this year), I was talking to an individual about the upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard retreat which offers post-abortive healing.   I was then informed about abortion doulas who were on the island.   I had never heard of a doula and mentioned it to the committee that there were abortion doulas on the island.   I actually did research on them not only on Guam but in the United States.   The particular group of doulas on island were headed by the Birthworkers of Color Collective which provides “full spectrum doula services”.  In other words, they trained abortion doulas.   I learned all this back in January of 2024.   So when Bill No. 318-37 was introduced to give $400,00.00 to an unregulated and abortion training group, of course I was going to object. 

Is it my fault that the same people supporting this bill are the same people supporting all the other abortion bills?    Only this bill had many more sponsors which I actually tried to talk to the two who you claim are extremely pro-life senators.  But because of the nature of abortion doulas which this group does not deny they do, I cannot sit back and not protest just because they are also adding that they will help women and children.    They claim that the word abortion is never mentioned in the bill, but all news articles and interviews related to the group all openly talk about the hope for better abortion help because of the doulas.   How are we supposed to turn our head and ignore this just because two senators are pro-lifers.   And just because a senator who you, Troy Torres do not like, is Opposing this Bill 318-37, this upsets you.   

Who is not being true to themselves here Troy?   Pretty words, pretty doulas and a pretty picture which are all apart of this doula bill CANNOT hide the ugly truth of what this bill is going to do:  Train Abortion Doulas. 

Another issue Troy is that you claimed that I attacked at least two doulas.  Shame on you Troy.  I sent you on a private text (between you and myself) because you asked where I came up with the idea that they were training abortion doulas.  I sent you on our private conversation, the “quoted” articles and words of the doulas from newspaper articles.  Their words, not mine.  I wasn’t attacking them, I was informing you as to what they said and not me.  You claim that by my attack on these innocent young women is where I lost you as an advocate.   

If you read or heard my testimony opposing this Bill 318-37, I asked that these resources of $400,000 be directed elsewhere to midwife programs, nursing programs, etc where these resources would help a larger variety of people.   Also where a doula is trained in three (3) days versus a certified trained nurse or midwife who receive several years of medical training and be medically certified to assist in all medical needs. 

You also mentioned a couple things which show me where you are truly coming from.   Contrary to what you are saying, we don’t sit around and sing Trump’s name or wear MAGA hats that has made us paranoid and Trumpian politicians.   We are too busy to do those things. 

Then you brought up the story of the woman who died because Georgia law made laws against abortion.   “The rest of the story...”   The poor young mother went to another state to get abortion medication pills because her state has a law banning abortion.   She took the medication and as stated as one of the warnings, sepsis is a possible side effect of taking medication abortion pills.   The babies in the womb died but they didn’t come out.  She developed sepsis and when she went to the hospital the doctors didn’t perform the necessary treatment she needed and her organs were already shutting down and she sadly died.   It made no difference about the laws against abortion.  It all points back to the dangers of abortion medication and medical malpractice on behalf of the hospital.  You said that you are hearing crickets from the pro-life groups because of the deaths, when in fact the media is covering up the true story and the pro-life groups are grieving for the unnecessary deaths. 

And you should note that according to the Committee Report of Bill 318-37, there were 617 people who OPPOSED this bill as there were only 14 people who supported it.   Yet these senators who know that the public voters have voiced opposition to this bill, have now injected it into another Bill 355-37 trying to side-step the voting public thinking they are dumb and uninformed.   Very sad.

While I have had to waste my time and energy on this letter I still have much to do.  We are planning our Life Chain, burying an unclaimed brother/sister, having a Novena to the Unborn Jesus, doing our Prayer Warriors on Wednesday and planning our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in November 2024.   And yes Troy, I still have you on my daily prayer sheet.   Don’t get lost in politics, it will drag you down down down.

Respectfully submitted.


Sharon O’Mallan is the chairwoman of the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee and a resident of Agana Heights

Sunday, September 22, 2024


By Tim Rohr

Troy Torres at Kandit News recently penned a post titled The Guam pro-life movement is biting off more than they can chew, and turning off supporters. (It's also here on Facebook.)

Troy's main point appears to be that by opposing Tom Fisher's "Doula" bill (318-37), the Catholic Pro-Life Committee has become "myopically anti-abortion," and in doing so, risks "putting off people like me and others who have not formed a full conviction on the matter of abortion on demand."

First, I would advise Troy (and others) to develop his convictions independent of what anyone else is doing. However, it appears that Troy already has a well developed conviction:

I am a pro-life advocate and have been since I was 16. My advocacy is based on a singular principle: that the non-natural termination of life at any stage of life (except in the defense of yours), is homicide. 

So I'm not sure why he says at the end of his post that he has "not formed a full conviction on the matter of abortion on demand."

Meanwhile, though, Troy highlights a real problem with the term "pro-life." I have consistently railed against this term, especially when it is preceded by the word "Catholic" - which I am. I have railed against it for the precise reason that Troy exploits here: 

Being "pro-life" cannot and should not stop at valuing life in the womb. The mother's life matters, too. 

He's right. And that's the problem. The Catholic Pro-Life Committee is in fact "myopically anti-abortion" because that is exactly what it was constituted to do. It is not, and should not, be focused on quality of life issues, war, or even the death penalty. Those matters are all secondary to life in the womb, which is life at its most helpless, most defenseless, and most vulnerable. 

Abortion, to use a term from Vatican II, has "pride of place" among all moral issues.  As St. Mother Teresa said:

 “We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred. If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other.”

In other words - as if this needs any explaining - abortion is the gateway to every other evil - if not to Hell itself. And this coming from a saint who spent most of her life picking up the dead and dying off the streets of Calcutta and founding communities across the globe to care for the sick, the impoverished, the marginalized. If there ever was a truly "pro-life" person it was St. Mother Teresa and she plastered abortion as the root of every other evil.

When a few friends and I started The Esperansa Project in 2008, we were sure not to use the words "pro-life," not only in the title of our organization, but also to define anything we did. We were unapologetically ANTI-ABORTION and over the course of the next 8 years we backed 12 legislative measures which sought to restrict abortion to the fullest extent allowable under Roe and Casey

Eight of those measures were enacted into law. Our aim was to make abortion so publicly "onerous," a term Troy uses, that no doctor would want to perform them. In 2018 the last abortionist shuttered his business and no other doctor, despite the vocal support of some and the current governor's best efforts, has wanted to take up this filthy business. 

During the legislative fight for these measures, our people were hammered and hammered and hammered again by the senatorial pro-aborts over the same thing Troy brings up: that by pushing these measures we were somehow more concerned for the babies than we were for the mothers or the the children's "quality of life" after birth. In other words we were allegedly NOT "pro-life" really. 

We won every round because we did not let them get away with that crap. Not only did we have many examples of the very people in front of them actively working to assist mothers and adopting babies, we forced the pro-aborts to confront the real cost of abortion in Guam which, given the abortion reports, was and still is the self-genocide of the CHamoru people. 

This was exactly the argument of the late Senator Elizabeth Arriola when she advanced the now much-embattled Public Law 20-134:

"Let me tell you, at the rate Guam Memorial Hospital is aborting children, between 400-600 a year, and most of them are not even reported. Where are the lives that we are going to protect and preserve? Here we go talking about indigenous rights and self-determination. What good is all that if we don't have our followers to follow and enjoy the fruits of our labor, of this generation's labor, of your labor and my labor to fix this island and have autonomous rights to govern our people?" - quoted in: Asian/Pacific Islander American Women: A Historical Anthology, pg. 372, edited by Shirley Hume, Gail M. Nomura

So my advice - again - to the "Pro-Life Committee" is to fix your name. Call it the Catholic Anti-Abortion Committee or something more general like The Esperansa Project with anti-abortion specifically set forth in the mission statement.

But what of Troy's "The mother's life matters, too." The inference is that if you are strict anti-abortion that you prioritize the life of the child over the life of the mother. I can't speak for any individual but I can speak for the Catholic Church, or more specifically, I can let the Catholic Church speak for itself:

"Never and in no case has the Church taught that the life of the child must be preferred to that of the mother. It is erroneous to put the question with this alternative: either the life of the child or that of the mother. No, neither the life of the mother nor that of the child can be subjected to direct suppression. In the one case as in the other, there can be but one obligation: to make every effort to save the lives of both, of the mother and the child." (Pope Pius XII, Allocution to the Association of Large Families, AAS (1951), XLIII, p. 855.)

In fact, especially in cases where the mother's life is actually in danger due to an ectopic pregnancy or a diseased pregnant uterus, the Church allows, under the principle of "double effect" for the removal of the diseased portion of the woman's body even if it means the indirect killing of embryonic life. 

The key word is "indirect." Abortion is the direct, willful, and intentional killing of an unborn child. The removal of a diseased part of a woman's body is not the direct, willful, and intentional killing of an unborn child. Even medicine recognizes this by calling these procedures salpingostomy and hysterectomy and not abortions. (Go here to read more on this.)

Troy's real beef is the opposition to Senator Fisher's Bill 318-37 which seeks to fund the training of "doulas" through the Bureau of Women's Affairs. A doula is literally, a "female helper or maidservant." In the context of the bill a doula is a "non-medical" person who is trained to 'help women and persons who are or who become pregnant to have healthy pregnancies and deliver health babies."

Fisher prefaces his bill with a landslide of horrible facts about Guam's maternal, fetal, and infant mortality rate, which is, according to Fisher, five times higher than the rest of the country and its territories. That's pretty bad, so Fisher's bill sounds good. 

However, the "pro-life" people are opposing the bill because they believe the $400,000 appropriation to a bureau run by Jayne Flores will be used to train doulas to "assist women and persons who become pregnant" NOT "to have healthy pregnancies and deliver babies," but to kill them.

Troy argues that the word "abortion" doesn't appear in the bill. That's true, however, the name BIRTHWORKERS OF COLOR COLLECTIVE (BWOCC) does. It appears five times, and with a couple of clicks on its website it is quite clear that BWOCC trains doulas to assist women in killing their babies.

Troy admits this:

There is no nexus from a doula to an abortion, except for doulas who provide comfort and care to women who choose to get an abortion.
Troy goes on to castigate the bill's opponents as paranoid conspiracy theorists:
The political arena can turn the most wonderfully motivated people into paranoid conspiracy theorists unwilling to see people who disagree with them as people who may be on the same page on different issues. For instance, just because Tom Fisher is a pro-choice advocate and pro-choice champion Jayne Flores is the director of the BWA, some in the Guam pro-life community will sustain suspicion against anything those two do. And, thus in the minds of the paranoid pro-lifers, because Mr. Fisher introduced the doula funding bill to benefit Ms. Flores' agency, there must be a subliminal pro-abortion agenda at hand.

The problem is that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a you know what. Fisher and Jayne are not just pro-choice advocates or champions, they are vigorous, relentless, and, at least in Fisher's case, even vicious pushers of abortion.

Fisher's Bill 162-37 is by the far the most viciously pro-abortion legislation ever introduced in Guam if not the entire country, and Jayne's "johnny one-note" agenda to make abortions happen in Guam is a well documented news item. What's not so well-documented is the paper trail showing Jayne's efforts to get Guam sued by the ACLU. (Read about it here.) So these two aren't your run of the mill pro-choicers. There are baby-blood-red flags every where on this deal. 

Troy promotes two co-signers, Sens. Chris Duenas and Jesse Lujan, as "the legislature's two most prolific pro-life proponents." Really, show me their anti-abortion legislation. I mean, I like them both, have voted for them both, and will vote for them again, but "prolific?" Not. 

However, it's not hard to see why Fisher recruited them to sign on to his nice-sounding bill. Fisher needed their names for exactly what is happening now: COVER. What Duenas and Lujan can do if they want to save the bill and still be "prolific" is amend the bill to prohibit any funds going to the training of "abortion doulas" - though that would need a very precise definition. 

Another thing Troy does is slam the pro-life committee for spending "energy and oppose this life-involving legislation," and argues that said "energy and resources "could be better spent on life advocacy from pre-natal care to postpartum assistance."

Well, exactly. So instead of spending $400k on training people who cannot provide medical pre-natal care and postpartum assistance, then why not spend that money on people (doctors, nurses) who can, not to mention some improvements at GMH - as Dr. Akimoto regularly and rightly shouts about. 

The real thing is this though. If Guam mothers and babies, in the womb or out, are dying at five times the national average then what the hell is really wrong and would giving "come-and-sue-us" Jayne $400k help?

If you think so, then you might as well go to the Birthworkers of Color Collective website and "click here to get started."