Wednesday, March 26, 2025


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March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. There was the usual proclamation signing, a nice letter from the congressman, and a list of events sponsored by the Guam Legal Services Disability Center.

We have a plethora of agencies and services for the disabled, or should I say a “maze.” As the father of two disabled sons, both of whom are now adults, and one of whom lives with me, I have found it challenging to navigate these agencies and services for my sons.

Thanks to friends who have been down this road ahead of me, I am managing, but it would help if these agencies updated their websites, which is where most people, like me, searching for information, will initially land.

I was hesitant to use the names of the following agencies in this column, but decided it would be confusing if I didn’t.

Starting with the Guam Legal Services Disability Center under Outreach/Events, there is the current list of activities for March 2025. Following this list is an advertisement for a “Public Input Session.” I got interested, especially since it said “breakfast will be provided.” But then I saw the date: March 18, 2024. I guess I missed it. It would help if past events were deleted from websites, or at least labeled as “past events.”

Continuing my web search, I came to the page of Guma’ Mami, Inc. The headline read “March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!” - and there was a nice picture. I thought, great, I have found some real information, but then read “Date Posted: 03/03/2022.” Three year old information. Next!

I went to the website of Department of Integrated Services For Individuals With Disabilities (DISID). Under “Links” there is information about an Emergency Registry for disabled persons. I downloaded the application and then read the instructions to drop off the form at their office at the DNA building. DISID relocated away from the DNA building several months ago.

Another link on the DISID website is to the State Rehabilitation Council. At the bottom of this page are two links to a document titled “State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program.” That looked interesting. However, both links lead to “No Results Found.”

In the footer of the same page, the “Contact Us” information shows Phyliss Leon Guerrero as the Director. However, “Contact Us” information on other pages of the same website lists Michelle Perez as the Director.

Under “Reports,” the latest financial report for DISID is for fiscal year 2021. Not helpful.

Guam CEDDARS is an organization I’m familiar with but haven’t visited in a while. They’re based at the University of Guam, have a very nice office, and always seemed to be pretty organized, so I headed to their website to see what’s new.

Well what’s new? The topmost post on CEDDARS’ website is titled “Guam CEDDERS Presents at 2023 MTEC.” So two years old is “what’s new,” although at the top of the page there was a link to the “latest” newsletter…dated March 2024. Because I used to know a few people on the CEDDERS Advisory Council, I decided to check out the Membership List. It was dated 2022-2023.

Before leaving CEDDERS, I thought I’d check out news and events, since I am looking for “news and events” to help my son. It seemed to be current with the top item referring to an event that happened in February. Scrolling further down, I saw that the February event was posted on September 1, 2023. Oh well. Missed that one too.

The Guam Developmental Disabilities Council appeared to be a bit more up to date. Its latest post announced a meeting on March 12, 2025. However, the next most “recent” post was dated April 2, 2022 announcing the “Autism Community Together Fair.” By the way, under the “Resources” tab…there is absolutely nothing.

I am sure there are good people at these agencies and departments who are doing good work, but you won’t find out about it by going to their websites.

As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And today, whether you be a private company, a government agency, or whatever, your website is your first impression.

Figuring out life with a child with disabilities is challenging enough, we shouldn’t have to deal with “disabled” websites as well.

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at   

Monday, March 24, 2025


In today's Guam Daily Post (with linked references):

In 2024, 36 women residing in Guam terminated their pregnancies through chemical abortions, according to the 2024 Abortion Report. A request asking the Office of the Attorney General to investigate and bring action against a couple of doctors alleges that reporting requirements were not met.

Abortions are not illegal in Guam. However, there are no doctors who perform abortions on the island. In fact, according to the 2024 Abortion Report compiled by the Department of Public Health and Social Services Bureau of Vital Statistics, the women were given prescriptions for abortion medications by Queen’s University Medical Group in Hawaii through telemedicine.

That is not where Guam resident Tim Rohr, who asked the AG to investigate, found fault.

The Women’s Reproductive Health Information Act of 2012 states that a physician or qualified person who is performing the abortion needs to provide the woman with printed materials related to the procedure at least 24 hours prior. The woman must then certify “in writing on a checklist certification” that the materials were provided.

Rohr sent a Sunshine Reform Act request for the “total number of checklist certifications by month for calendar year 2024" to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, which is responsible for keeping records. He found none.

“Pursuant to a letter received from Guam Memorial Hospital Administrator Lillian Perez-Posadas, MN, RN, on March 6, 2025, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request: 'GMHA is not in possession of any documents responsive to your request,'” Rohr said in his request to the AG.

According to the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, “currently, no physicians in Guam are publicly providing either medication abortion or surgical abortion. The option for medication abortion is available via telemedicine.”

According to Post files, when the 2024 Abortion Report came out, Pro-Life Committee Chair Sharon O’Mallan said that when a woman terminates a pregnancy, she must meet with a “person here who does the in-person counseling,” then the woman is referred to the Hawaii-based abortion doctors before the abortion prescription is mailed to the woman.

The 2024 Abortion Report identified the providers who performed the abortions as Queen's University Medical Group Drs. Bliss Kaneshiro and Shandhini Raidoo, who are listed as abortion providers at the Guam Bureau of Women’s Affairs and are licensed to practice on the island.

According to Rohr, off Guam or not, the law needs to be complied with, including “in-person informed-consent” certifications. He alleged the abortion doctors failed this requirement, despite the preliminary injunction which enjoined the enforcement of the informed-consent requirement being vacated.

“Drs. (Raidoo) and Kaneshiro are also the two doctors who initiated a lawsuit in the Guam District Court against the attorney general of Guam and other defendants in January 2021 in order to enjoin the in-person informed-consent requirement of 10 Guam Code Ann. § 3218.1. 6 While their suit initially succeeded with the Guam District Court, as already stated supra, that decision was vacated by the 9th Circuit and physicians providing abortion services in Guam, telemedicine or otherwise, are required by law to comply with all the requirements set forth in 10 Guam Code Ann. § 3218.1,” Rohr said in his request.

With no paper trail, Rohr levied the allegations and called on the AG to “bring action against the physicians who provided the abortions in calendar year 2024 for not complying” with the law.

“Given the foregoing, it appears that 36 abortions were provided in Guam in calendar year 2024 without informed consent, as required by 10 Guam Code Ann. § 3218.1. Wherefore, I request the Attorney General of Guam, whose job it is to enforce the laws of Guam, to investigate the facts as set forth herein, and if said facts are found to be true, to bring appropriate legal action against the abortion providers,” Rohr said in the request.

The request was stamped received by the attorney general’s office on March 7, but when The Guam Daily Post asked AG Douglas Moylan to confirm receipt and what if any action his office would take, he said it was the first time he'd seen Rohr's request.

“We will review and contact Mr. Rohr,” Moylan told the Post on Saturday.


Saturday, March 22, 2025


By Tim Rohr

In HE'S NOT GOING TO TELL US, Anonymous complains that I am making more out of "the incident" than necessary and that the Archbishop's letter closes the matter. 

My main contention about "the incident" is not the incident itself - since abuses of all kinds abound in this archdiocese and said "incident" is hardly a blip on the abuse graph - but rather the delay in addressing the incident, a delay which provoked speculation that chancery officials were either delaying in hopes the story would go away, or buying time to figure out how to cover it up. 

Even this "delay", on its own, would have been little cause for me to care save for the several years of hell I and others suffered during the Collapse of Apuron. 

The fall of Apuron was unthinkable, and he himself liked to proclaim "no one can get me." He was right of course. A bishop is the absolute power in a diocese. He can't be recalled, impeached, voted out, or even "FOIA'd." A bishop has total impunity and immunity. 

Thus, as the unthinkable began to be thinkable, and as brick by brick Apuron's neo-clad wall began to crumble, Apuron's gestapo began an all out war on me, and eventually my family. Threats of law suits by Apuron against "Tim Rohr" and accusations of my involvement with a real estate and Chinese gambling conspiracy made local and even international headlines:

"In 2012, a blog called “Jungle Watch” was created online, attacking Archbishop Apuron and the Neocatechumenal Way, accusing them of manipulating the prelate and “colonizing” the entire Agaña diocese. The site is managed by Tim Rohr, a real estate agent employed by Msgr. Benavente and involved in the projected sale of the seminary. The online attacks became more and more violent..." - LA STAMPA

The reason I was singled out was because even though there were many others working behind the scenes, it was this blog where the battle began, a battle which led to a year long picket in front of the Cathedral and calls for Apuron's "defrocking," and ultimately a canonical trial which found Apuron guilty.

It was after the Vatican found Apuron guilty that all hell broke loose. The fall of Apuron's Reich was the fall of a central piece of "Kiko's Kingdom" - Kiko Arguello, the founder and leader of the Neocatechumenal Way which had made massive inroads into the halls of Catholic Church power. 

With such power, one might wonder why little Guam mattered. I've spelled this out numerous times, but I'll spell it out again here.

Power in the Catholic Church government, like most governments, is synonymous with numbers: the more supporters the greater the power. In the Catholic Church, numbers = vocations, especially ordained ones. The more priests a bishop has, a religious order has, an organization like the NCW has: the more power. 

However, the only way to "get a priest" is for a bishop to ordain him. And while Kiko was successful in recruiting vocations and funneling them into his many seminaries, he still needed bishops to ordain them. For some reason, he had particular success with U.S. Capuchins, namely Sean O'Malley, Charles Chaput, and Anthony Apuron.

However, O'Malley and Chaput appear to have been discerning about who they ordained. Kiko needed a bishop who would ordain who ever Kiko wanted ordained, namely all of them. And that's where Apuron came in. And it is also where the now "defrocked" Adrian Cristobal comes in. 

For years, many local Catholics knew that Adrian had designs on succeeding Apuron, and that these designs were more rooted in his competition with - and dislike (to put it mildly) for - some other members of the local clergy than any desire to serve the Church and its flock. 

Apparently, this "competition" hearkened back to the days when they were all in seminary together, a competition that was gravely exacerbated when Apuron passed over Adrian for the title of "Monsignor" and conferred it on Adrian's immediate competitors. 

Adrian responded by promptly disappearing from Guam for several years, and then returned in 1995 with the Neocatechumenal Way in tow, in the person of a mysterious monk named Pius. Pius moved in with Apuron and the NCW takeover of Guam began.

However, the "takeover" was really Adrian positioning himself, by building a power base, to oust his competitors for the "Chair of Apuron" and coronate himself as Guam's next archbishop. This is why Adrian's Barrigada parish, where he kept himself ensconced as pastor, became, and still is, "Neocat-Central."

Enter John Toves

The late-John Toves, who, in addition to being one of the altar boys at Mt. Carmel in the 1970's when Apuron was helping himself to the bodies of John's friends, Toves, later, was also in the seminary with Adrian and others and knew "what was what." 

So when John showed up in 2014 and knocked on the door of the Chancery, it was clear that he scared the hell out of Adrian.

By 2014, when John showed up, Adrian was totally running things and Apuron was pretty much hiding in a closet. 

The backstory is this. 

Adrian, like just about every other member of Guam's clergy as well as many lay Catholics, knew of Apuron's history of molesting boys. However, Apuron, relying on fear, misplaced respect for his office, and the dirt he had on other clerics, had so consolidated power that no one dared challenge him let alone "out" him. 

But the tell-tale heart of Apuron's sordid past never stopped thumping beneath the chancery floorboards.

At first, Apuron put his confidence in "David the Tall" (after sending him to canon law school for many years), to keep him out of trouble should any of the ghosts from Apuron's past appear. 

But "David the Tall" was a too thin line of defense, so Apuron was looking for a lot more protection as well as an escape plan if he needed one. 

Functionally, protection and escape was what Pius and the neocat machine offered Apuron, and offered it in return for his rubber stamp, a rubber stamp on everything from ordinations to gifting away a mega-million dollar property into their control.

 Bottom line for Kiko et. al was that they now had a bishop who would ordain whoever he was told to ordain, including rejects from the other Neocat seminaries. 

And this was the path to power for both Adrian - who had local designs on power, and the Neocat generals - who had universal designs on power. And so the Neocat seminary swung into overdrive with locals - believing this was a "Seminary for Guam" - contributing millions. Perfect, the Neocats had a bishop in their control and a funding source: us. 

SMEAR Tim Rohr: Object No. 1

So you can see why all hell broke loose when it became obvious around 2016 that Apuron's wall was breeched, and breeched initially by this blog and the tens of thousands of comments. Thus "Tim Rohr" became "Tim Rohr and his associates" and smearing me became Object No. 1. 

I was okay with the smearing. I expected it. Welcomed it actually. Because I knew that they, Apuron's gestapo, was heading right for a cascade of mistakes - which in fact happened. However, my family didn't take it so well. Some of them were embarrassed by all the negative attention. I understood it but didn't know what to do about it. I had hopes that those who had promised to support my family when all hell broke loose would actually be there. They weren't. And my family suffered and they're still suffering. 

At the center of the planned attack on me and my family were certain members of the clergy, including Adrian. I know who they are, and, if you were following the action back in those days, you do too. 

After Apuron was found guilty by a Vatican tribunal in March 2018, Apuron's goons immediately began planning for his appeal. As already set out in La Stampa, the path to a successful appeal lay in proving that Apuron was the victim of a conspiracy led by "Tim Rohr, a real estate agent employed by Msgr. Benavente and involved in the projected sale of the seminary..."

However, their problem was that they had no evidence that I was "involved in the projected sale of the seminary" (because there was none), so they had to find another way to discredit me.

In May 2018, less than two months after the Vatican's guilty verdict, my name and face was plastered all over the local media for a full week with stories of accusations that I was a wife beater and a molester of my own children.

Krystal Paco, then a reporter for KUAM, had texted me on the morning of May 9, 2018, asking for my comments on allegations made against me in court filings.

Krystal sent pictures of some of the filings. I asked her how she got them. She said she pulled them herself (from the court) after having been "given a case number as a tip."

The plan, of course, was to discredit me by getting me accused of the same crimes Apuron was accused of to pave the way for Apuron's appeal. 

Enter Theodore McCarrick

It almost worked. The kiko's in Rome engineered the appeal to bypass the normal process of appeal through a tribunal, and got the pope to take on Apuron's appeal personally:

The pope explained that in considering Apuron's appeal, he is bypassing the traditional "giuria"--the council of bishops that make up a tribunal--and will be considering the appeal himself. This is because Apuron's situation is a "very difficult case."Catholic News Agency, Aug. 28, 2018

I remember watching the pope say this on TV. Francis was on a flight back to Rome from an event in Ireland. However, the aim of the interview was not what he was going to do with Apuron, but what he was going to do about a much bigger fish, then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. 

The McCarrick scandal was full of hooks and traps, especially for Francis, because there was a paper trail showing a connection between Francis and McCarrick. McCarrick had already been removed from his office by Francis' predecessor, Benedict, for decades of sexual misconduct with multiple seminarians. However, Francis had restored McCarrick to a position of power and now McCarrick, in 2018, was all over the news due to a now infamous letter by the now excommunicated Archbishop Vigano. 

This is all very complex, and would make a much better movie than the Da Vinci Code ever did, but bottom line is that Francis was caught with his hands in the cookie jar and he needed to do something quick to salvage his reputation for on being tough on clerics who were sexual miscreants. 

This is why, when Francis was being questioned about McCarrick, Francis himself changed the subject to Apuron - when the press probably knew little to nothing of Apuron. So now, with the stage lights glaring on Francis over McCarrick, he could not let Apuron off the hook. So Francis denied Apuron's appeal and finished him off.

BUT, had it not been for the timing of the McCarrick thing, I am very certain that Apuron's appeal would have been granted by Francis and he'd be living happily ever after in Guam. 

So, why do I care?

So, WHY do I CARE? Why do I care about a little liturgical abuse at a little school? Why do I care that the new archbishop took a month to say anything about it? And why do I care that when he finally did say something he ultimately said nothing. 

I guess it just reminds me of the terrible price some us had to pay and are still paying for shining the light on half a century of horrors, horrors shrouded in silence. In the end though, it was that silence that helped everyone eventually hear the pounding of that tell-tale heart - or should I say "hearts"...hundreds and hundreds of hearts.

I'll stop now.

Monday, March 17, 2025


By Tim Rohr

Recently (in the last few days), a person known to me was invited (urged) to attend a “Neo catechesis” at the “Raina House” - the Neocat headquarters in Asan. 

Since the person known to me is not a member of the Neocatechumenal Way, the invitation appears to be the formation of a new community, or at least the expansion of an existing one. 

On March 27, 2023, then Vicar General Fr. Romy Convocar issued a MEMORANDUM re-affirming the 2017 INSTRUCTION of then Archbishop Michael Byrnes which placed a “‘pause’ on the formation of new (NCW) communities.”

Given that we are quite familiar with how the Neocat hierarchy historically squeezes around every word in every instruction which does not fully comport with what they want to do, it’s quite possible that they have interpreted the 2017 instruction to mean that there is no “pause” on expanding old communities - and thus are inviting “new” people to join establish communities. 

(NOTE: I was advised after this post that there is no such thing as the expansion of an existing community, so obviously the invite was to the formation of a new community.)

In any event, this is another matter that Archbishop Jimenez must immediately address, especially since it was the actions of the Neocat hierarchy which precipitated the mess that this archdiocese is now in, and that we are all being forced to pay for.

It’s time for a clarification: Exactly what is the Neocatechumenal Way in Guam permitted to do?

We need a new MEMORANDUM from the current Archbishop of Agana. No one else.  

Here is Archbishop Byrnes' INSTRUCTION:

Friday, March 14, 2025


By Tim Rohr

In the control cabin of the 'flying saucer': a Torah

Kiko is inviting 200 bishops for "a retreat" to his seaside space pad on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where he intends to "announce the Gospel" to them. And the communities are footing the bill. 

Here is the link to the original blog post in Italian. To read in English, try your browser translator. Otherwise here is a link to a Google Translation in PDF.

Just wondering if the Archbishop of Agana will be going. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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Donald Trump is considered to be the most pro-life president in U.S. history because he delivered on his promise to overturn Roe v Wade. However, his recent support for IVF (in-vitro fertilization) has been a cause of consternation for many hardline pro-lifers.

This is the problem when we opt for euphemisms instead of exact language. Pro-Lifers don’t like the label “anti-abortion,” and Pro-Choice-ers don’t like the label “pro-abortion,” but “life” and “choice” are not the issues. Abortion is.

Trump wasn’t even really anti-abortion. He was anti-Roe. He considered it bad law and he wasn’t alone. The late Justice Ginsburg, a staunch pro-abort, thought the same.

That said, I believe Trump is wrong about his support for IVF. However, at least for the purposes of this column, I am not opposing Trump’s position on moral grounds. I’ll explain that in a bit. But first, what is IVF?

Here’s a quick AI description: 1) The patient takes fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. 2) The eggs are removed from the ovaries. 3.) The eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. 4) One or more fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus. 5)Pregnancy occurs when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus.

So what is the problem? Isn’t IVF “pro-life?” Well, yes and no. (And that’s the problem with the language.) IVF is “pro-life” in that the intent is to bring about a new human. And IVF is not pro-life in that for every baby born, there are approximately 15-20 embryonic human beings who are “discarded."

According to the CDC, in 2021, there were 238,000 IVF procedures in the U.S. At 7 to 8 eggs per try, that’s a total of nearly 2 million embryos with only about 100,000 who made it. That means nearly 1.8 million embryonic humans were discarded in 2021, a number that is nearly one million more than the number of reported abortions for the same year.

Perhaps because we are just discarding a microscopic “thing” in a glass tube, it doesn’t bother us as much as “disassembling” a baby-looking thing in the womb - which is what abortion is. But if we are going to argue that life begins at conception, then it doesn’t matter if that child is being pulled out of a womb and dumped into a bio-waste can, or dumped out of a test tube into the same can.

Most institutional religions don’t have a clear position on IVF, but the Catholic Church does:

“Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple (donation of sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus), are gravely immoral. These techniques…infringe the child's right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage…They dissociate the sexual act from the procreative act. (CCC 2376-7)

However, according to a Pew poll, only 13% of Catholics believe IVF is wrong. So I can’t get worked up about Catholic pro-lifers criticizing non-Catholic Trump for his position. We need to get our own house in order first.

Meanwhile, though, the more tangible problem with Trump’s support of IVF is that it “ain’t" MAHA - RFK, Jr.’s “Make America Healthy Again.”

MAHA is all about going beyond our band-aid medical culture, getting to the root cause of disease, and then doing something about it.

Infertility is as old as Abraham and Sarah, but it’s never been common. Today it is. The World Health Organization reports that 1 in 6 people globally experience infertility. The WHO defines infertility as a “disease” and lists IVF as a “treatment.”

Obviously, IVF is not a treatment for infertility. Just like so many medical “treatments,” it’s a temporary technological workaround. And what it “works around” is the “something else” that is wrong. And what is that?

Well we can start with the fact that women are waiting longer to have children and during this “waiting” many women are chemically altering their reproductive system (with the pill) to not to do the thing that nature wants to do (ovulate). So you might say nature is slapping back.

However, beyond that, and according to a study published in the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is the leading cause of infertility. And, according to the CDC, insulin resistance is a major cause of PCOS. And guess what is the major cause of insulin resistance? Bad diet and lifestyle. Surprise.

Bottom line: IVF “ain’t" MAHA.

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at  


By Tim Rohr

Archbishop Ryan Jimenez has released a letter apologizing for the incident at Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School in which a lay person posed as a priest and led what appeared to be a Eucharistic Procession and Adoration. 

We first posted a video of the incident on JungleWatch on February 7, 2025 under the title WHY IS A LAY PERSON DOING THIS

The post quickly attracted much attention with over 2000 views and 31 comments - not including the comments we didn't post because of anonymous accusations. Note: We do publish accusations but only when the accuser identifies him or herself by name - a real one. 

On March 8, 2025, more than one month since we initially posted about the incident, we posted TICK, TICK, TICK...THE SILENCE IS THE SCANDAL. 

In the post we noted that if there had been no one at the top (in the chancery) who approved "the incident," then an explanation and discipline of the action would have been immediately forthcoming. But since there had been nothing in more than a month, then the only explanation was that chancery officials were scrambling for cover. 

Three days after we called out the scandal, Archbishop Ryan Jimenez has released a letter that, in my opinion, increases the scandal. 

In his letter, Archbishop Jimenez takes responsibility for the incident, but only in his capacity as the ultimate authority in a sort of "the buck stops here" move. Sounds nice, but it tells us nothing. 

It tells us nothing about who authorized this false and scandalous act. Nor, does his letter tell us anything about disciplining the actors - especially the main actor who, pursuant to some of the comments, this playing priest is nothing new.

Instead, we are getting a slew of new documents and bureaucratic directives reminiscent of the slew of documents and bureaucratic directives responsive to the clergy sex abuse of children scandal during the last days of Apuron when in fact it was the very people drafting those documents and directives who we now know had molested the children or were covering for those who did.

Someone in the chancery authorized "the incident" and Archbishop Jimenez is not going to tell us who. Here's his letter.

Saturday, March 8, 2025


By Tim Rohr

As of today, WHY IS A LAY PERSON DOING THIS has received 1,863 views, many times more than any other recent post. It has also generated 31 comments, also many times more than any recent post. 

What hasn't happened, as of today, is an explanation from Archbishop Ryan Jimenez. 

Now, on a personal level, I really don't care. It's not that big of a deal to me. Liturgical abuses, theological abuses, religious abuses, child abuses, none of that is new in this archdiocese. In fact, all are quite common. However, the fact that the Archbishop has remained silent about the incident smacks of the secrecy we suffered through with the last administration. 

If this particular abuse - as shown in the aforesaid post - had occurred without approval from anyone in the chancery, then we would have had a statement by now because it would have been easy to make. It would have been something to the effect of: 

"We apologize for the abuse of the Blessed Sacrament at Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School on February 11, 2025. The abuse occurred without our knowledge or approval and we have taken steps to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

But the fact that there has been no such statement nearly one month later, and given the massive attention to the incident on this blog, there are only two other possibilities:

1. The incident WAS approved by a "higher-up," (someone in the chancery - maybe even the archbishop), and the "higher-ups" have been scrambling to come up with a story to protect their own; or

2. The incident WAS approved, as set forth in No. 1, and the "higher-ups" are hiding and waiting for the story to go away.

Hiding, waiting, lying, scrambling, deflecting, secrecy...all of that - we have seen too many times before -  from the arrest of a certain Neocat priest at an Agat beach in 2015 and his mysterious disappearance soon after, to the sudden disappearance of Apuron himself the night after his first accuser came forward. 

This measly little incident with a layman playing priest at a school event is nothing compared to the other scandals we have suffered through, but it is a scandal nonetheless. And the silence is making the scandal bigger by the day. In fact, the SILENCE is the SCANDAL.

So, just like the old days when we waited and waited on "the chancery" to comment on other mysteries (and got only lies or nothing at all), we're going to start a count up counter and see how long it takes. We'll put the counter in the right side bar as well. 

Tick, tick, tick.

NOTE: The counter was removed after an explanation was provided by Archbishop Jimenez on March 11, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025


Parties in Apuron clergy abuse cases seek more time

By Julianne Hernandez Pacific Daily News 

Attorneys in the clergy sex abuse and defamation case against former Archbishop Anthony Apuron are seeking more time to finalize schedules for depositions.

Plaintiffs’ attorney Delia Lujan Wolff and defense attorney Jacqueline Taitano Terlaje appeared before District Court of Guam Chief Judge Frances Tydingco-Gatewood on Thursday to discuss the status of the case. 


Friday, February 28, 2025


It's been a few years since THE POPE'S EXORCIST hit the big screen, but it's worth reminding ourselves that there are bad guys among us and at least Russell Crowe is praying "for Guam." 😂 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


LINK to online version

Good news! According to the 2024 abortion report - as compiled by the Department of Public Health and Social Services Bureau of Vital Statistics - no one identifying as Chamorro (the report uses this spelling) procured an abortion in 2024.

That’s good news because between 2008 - when The Esperansa Project began requesting the reports - and 2017, the last full year an established abortion practitioner practiced in Guam, women identifying their ethnicity as Chamorro accounted for 1,502 abortions - about 60% of the total.

After the last abortion doctor retired in 2018, no local doctors were willing to openly offer abortion services, so there wasn’t much data for a few years. However, that changed a couple years ago when two doctors in Hawaii got Guam medical licenses and now do chemical abortions via teleconference and mail-order abortion drugs.

A Freedom of Information Act request to Jayne Flores, Director of Bureau of Women’s Affairs, turned up documents demonstrating that Jayne (and presumably her boss) actively recruited the Hawaii physicians to abort Guam babies, and beyond that, to initiate a lawsuit against our own government with the help of the ACLU.

The two doctors are Shandhini Raidoo and Bliss Kaneshiro, and their services are advertised on our taxpayer funded Bureau of Women’s Affairs website. The medical practices of Raidoo and Kaneshiro are private businesses and they are getting free advertising thanks to Jayne and our tax dollars. What a deal!

Moving on.

The thrust of the suit from these two doctors was to get rid of Guam’s in-person counseling requirement for women seeking an abortion. The Guam District Court initially ruled in favor of Jayne and her abortion friends, however, the Ninth Circuit vacated the District Court ruling and upheld Guam law.

The short of it is that these doctors can oversee chemical abortions in Guam from Hawaii so long as women seeking abortions get the required local counseling first. According to the 2024 report there were 36 abortions in Guam but no information about who is providing the required in-person counseling.

Meanwhile, whoever is providing the counseling is very probably counseling local women to identify their ethnicity as “Pacific Islander” and not “Chamorro.” This appears to be the only explanation for how Chamorro abortions went from 60% of the total for at least a decade down to nothing, and Pacific Islander abortions, since 2017, jumped 625% and now account for 80% of the total.

The dramatic shift in the ethnic numbers appears to be a response to the increasing cries of “Chamorro genocide” by myself and others. What else can it be called? According to census numbers, Chamorros account for only 30% of Guam’s population, yet the abortion reports, at least up until the latest report, show Chamorros accounting for 60% of all abortions.  

So, the response to our cries of “Chamorro genocide” from the pro-aborts appears to have been “stop checking the Chamorro box and just check Pacific Islander.” And voila! No more abortions of Chamorro children.

This is rather sad and laughable given that the biggest public promoters of abortion are also the biggest public promoters of distinguishing the cultural and ethnic identity of the Chamorro from the generic “Pacific Islander.”

Even the U.S. Census makes this distinction: “In 2020, Guam’s population was 153,836…The Chamorro population was the largest detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group.”

However, when it comes to abortion reporting, or at least now in 2024 and presumably going forward, suddenly the Chamorro is just a “Pacific Islander.”

Why do they want to hide? Didn’t our governor and culture warriors like Michael Bevacqua preach to us about how abortion was and is a venerable cultural practice and in fact a demonstration of a Chamorro woman’s “symbolic societal power?”

Quoting Bevacqua: “[W]omen in Guam were more than merely vessels for their communities—they were empowered to make decisions about their bodies and families…we see clear matrilineal/matrifocal dimensions, where lineage and symbolic societal power resides primarily with women…research has also found evidence dating back to the 18th century showing that women in Guam…have utilized a variety of methods to induce miscarriage or end their pregnancies, as well as to use birth control and other methods to control their fertility.”

Given that as of 2024 the number of abortions for Chamorro women was zero, women in Guam are apparently no longer interested in asserting “symbolic societal power” by exterminating their own offspring. They’re leaving that to the “Pacific Islanders.”

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at     

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



LINK to online article

Of the women, 81%, or 29 out of the 36 women, identified themselves as Pacific Islander.

O’Mallan, however, pointed out the report does not break down ethnicity further.

“How many of that are CHamoru and how many of that are outer island people? It’s not distinguished there. So, that’s one of our concerns,” she said.

MY NOTE: It's "interesting" who we want the CHamoru to NOT be lumped in with "the rest" of "Pacific Islanders" in just about everything, except for when we count abortions. Why hide? 

Governor Lou Leon Guerrero, her abortion lieutenant Jayne Flores, and columnist Michael Bevacqua have publicly bragged about how abortion has a special cultural heritage in CHamoru history. But now they're hiding it? Why? 

The previous abortion reports always distinguished the CHamoru as its own ethnicity, and reports showing the CHamoru as the leading procurer of abortion should make the above named people proud. Right?

In any event, we can solidly assume that the ratio is the same.

BTW. The U.S. Census distinguishes Chamorro (CHamoru) from other Pacific Islanders.

Demographic Characteristics

In 2020, Guam’s population was 153,836. The profile released today provides demographic characteristics about the population, including information on racial and ethnic composition.

  • The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population was the largest race group, with 70,809 people identifying as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone. Overall, 83,368 people reported Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with another race group, such as Asian.
    • The Chamorro population was the largest detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group.
      • In 2020, 50,420 people identified as Chamorro alone with no additional detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group or race group.
      • In 2020, 63,035 people identified as Chamorro alone or in any combination with another detailed Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander group or race group, such as Pohnpeian or Asian.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


The following is a comment posted on JW today on a post from 2017 titled TESTIMONY: WHY THE NCW IS A CULT. (The comment has been edited into paragraphs for easier reading.)


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "TESTIMONY: WHY THE NCW IS A CULT.":

I can attest and support this experience to be true and accurate. As well I was in the NCW for many years and faced many of the same challenges and issues on a different level. It is very secretive, a lot of psychological abuse targeting on younger individuals “the youth” especially those with difficult backgrounds “histories”: domestic violence, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, parental abuse, parent separation, psychological issues, low self esteem, unique backgrounds and pasts “the history”, and other aspects of human suffering to mold them into their own way of thinking. 

The NCW also has developed a weird European accent as well: fashion of dark clothes, growing the beards out, glasses like the creator of the NCW. As well a fond liking of Judaism such as speaking very fondly on occasion on the Jewish faith, wearing of the Jewish Star of David for jewelry, Which is contrary of Christianity and considered heresy to the Christian Faith and Doctrine. 

The NCW in my personal experience is very manipulative to controlling the family dynamics. Anyone who thinks or goes against the rules of the NCW is treated as an outsider and discarded. Their defense is also written in this person’s experience that they refer to the Bible of the person “Rejecting God” which is another heresy and misinterpretation of scripture and the teachings of Christ. 

The last and final point I’d like to make which in my defense is the most dangerous of all the things is that the NCW teaches that if you are not in the way you don’t love God because you don’t want to do “God’s Will” which “You Don’t have Faith”, and if you are not in “The Way” you will be lost. Which is the biggest mistake to say which can lead people astray from the true teachings of Jesus Christ, His Love, Mercy, and True Will for every person. And depending on the circumstances of the person could lead to their self destruction of their faith, their life, their loved ones, their future, and overall wellbeing. 

For someone to say this means all those who do not participate in the NCW is lost and therefore doomed. Therefore those who have been baptized and are not in the way are lost, meaning the Mission of the Son of God was a failure and a lie (Heresy) For the mission of Jesus Christ was to enter this World and to die for our sins so that there may be a hope that we may enter into Heaven through the teachings of Jesus. Rather than before to hell since before the resurrection and the death of Christ there was no chance of entering Heaven. 

Refer to the life of Christ in the New Testament (The Gospels). I encourage all who read this not to be filled with anger or to be quick to judgement but to consider what this individual is saying. I can tell you if you have any doubts or questions pray and ask for understanding because this individual speaks the truth. I pray whoever wrote this that the Lord helps you, guides you, and heals you with peace and understanding that this all was meant for a reason to educate others. God Bless. Remember Matthew chapter 7:15


NOTE: The picture at the top of this post is taken from an article titled THE MISUSE OF JEWISH SYMBOLS

Sunday, February 16, 2025




Copied from the website of the Guam Pro-Life Committee:

The Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee has recently obtained the “2024 Abortion Report” from the Bureau of Vital Statistics of Guam’s Department of Public Health and Social Services. Guam law (10 GCA 3218) requires abortion providers to submit basic information about abortions committed on Guam to the government and for the government to produce and make available an annual report of those records.

Here is a summary:

  • 36 chemical abortions were reported. All were voluntary, none were done “therapeutic”.
  • All were performed by prescriptions issued by the Queen’s University Medical Group in Hawaii.
  • In all cases the gestational age of the fetus was 11 weeks or younger.
  • 29 out of the 36 mothers (81%) identified themselves as “Pacific Islander”.
  • 26 of the 36 mothers (72%) were 23 years of age or older. 1 out the 36 mothers (3%) was a minor.
  • 24 of the 36 mothers (67%) had previous pregnancies.
  • 22 of the 36 (61%) mothers had other living children.
  • 19 of the 36 mothers (53%) were married.
  • 17 of the 36 mothers (47%) had a college degree or some college education.

One or more of the following is more likely than not to be true about a mother pursuing abortion on Guam: she is older than 23, married, was pregnant before or has other living children. Nearly half of the mothers had at least some college education.

Here is the report that you may download and view: 


From the Minutes of Status Conference on Feb. 13, 2025.

PROCEEDINGS: Status Conference

 Parties informed the court that they reached an agreement for the deposition dates of off-island deponents which will be scheduled March 24-28, 2025, and March 31 through April 4, 2025. Parties agreed to do a check-in with Magistrate Judge Bordallo during the deposition days at 8:00 AM (ChST) with regard to any objections or discovery issues.

 Parties agreed to and requested for an extension for defendant to respond to request for admissions and interrogatories to February 21, 2025, and to extend the discovery motions deadline to April 30, 2025.

 Ms. Lujan Wolff to disclose to Ms. Terlaje the compensation agreement of her clients and to redact any other names other than her client. Ms. Terlaje to provide the names and contact information for defendant's canon lawyers to Ms. Lujan Wolff. Counsel shall exchange information by 12 noon on February 19, 2025.

 Court to issue order setting a further hearing date and deadlines. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


LINK to online version

Unlike Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, and the Fourth of July, all of which have identifiable origins, Valentine’s Day (like Halloween) is a holiday for no apparent reason.

Sure, there is evidence that St. Valentine was a real person who was martyred near the end of the 3rd Century. However, the Catholic Church has many saints and, but for St. Patrick, there is no secular holiday for them like there is for St. Valentine.

There is speculation that Valentine became associated with love and marriage because he was executed for secretly marrying Christian couples. And the phrase “from your Valentine” is said to have come from a note Valentine had written on the day of his execution to his jailer’s blind daughter whom he had healed.

No matter the origin of the holiday or the legend, February 14, which in 496, is the day Pope Gelasius declared as the day Valentine was martyred, has become the day we particularly celebrate “love and marriage.”

Today we take for granted that love and marriage go together, and in that order. But history doesn’t reflect this. Historically, marriage and children went together and love came later, if at all.

I am reminded of the lovely song in Fiddler on the Roof where Tevye asks Golde: “Do you love me?” Over the following verses, Golde avoids answering, saying (singing) that for 25 years “I washed your clothes, cooked your meals, cleaned your house, given you children, milked your cow…”

But Tevye insists: “But do you love me?” Finally Golde relents and responds “After 25 years…I suppose I do.” Then the two end in a sweet duet singing: “It doesn't change a thing, but even so. After twenty-five years…it’s nice to know.”

For most of history (and still in some parts of the world), marriage was about the survival of our species, not love. Our laws still reflect this reality.

A few years ago when Guam’s marriage laws were being challenged on the basis of “love is love” and we should be able to marry whomever we love, I did a study of the marriage laws in every U.S. state and territory, and the word “love” did not appear.

Here’s the relevant part of Guam’s law:

10 GCA § 3101. What Constitutes Marriage. Marriage is a personal relation arising out of a civil contract, to which the consent of parties capable of making that contract is necessary. Consent alone will not constitute marriage; it must be followed by a solemnization authorized by this Title.

10 GCA § 3206. Particular Form Not Necessary. No particular form for the ceremony of marriage is required, but the parties must declare in the presence of the person solemnizing the marriage that they take each other as husband and wife, or as spouses.

The phrase “or as spouses” was added after the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, but still no mention of “love.” So much for the argument “love is love.”

Even the famous case, Loving v Virginia, which formed much of the basis for the argument for same-sex marriage, never mentions “love.” (The plaintiffs’ name notwithstanding.)

The Lovings were a biracial couple who were denied married status in Virginia in 1967. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that marriage between two people of different races could not be denied because marriage “is a basic civil right of man fundamental to our existence and survival.”

The Court did not spell out what “survival” meant because it was referencing a precedent case, Skinner v Oklahoma, wherein the Court spelled it out: “We are dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic civil rights of man. Marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.”

Of course this is a reflection of what God himself says to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1: 28. Upon creating them “male and female,” God doesn’t say “go and love each other.” Instead he orders them to “be fruitful and multiply.”

So where does love come in?

It really didn't enter marriage until the advent of Christianity. Prior to Paul telling men to love their wives “as Christ loves the Church” (Eph. 5:25), a wife was nothing more than a man’s property.

So it is fitting that a day dedicated to “love and marriage” is founded on a Christian martyr, a Catholic saint, who lost his head for marrying Christian couples, even if it's only a legend.

Happy Valentine's Day. Be fruitful and multiply. 

Tim Rohr has resided in Guam since 1987. He has raised a family of 11 children, owned several businesses, and is active in local issues via his blog,, letters to local publications, and occasional public appearances. He may be contacted at     

Wednesday, February 12, 2025




"Already surrogacy has led to incredibly corrupt and perverse practices. Also this week, perhaps too late for The Economist to take into account, Thai police and Interpol uncovered a human-eggharvesting scheme which kept three young Thai women in virtual slavery."



As posted on the website of the Bureau of Women's Affairs, Government of Guam. 

It's what you're paying for. It's what you voted for. Twice.

The need for children is great, says The Economist: “According to one study published in 2006, there were around 1m parents in America who wanted to adopt a child, yet only 51,000 children were placed with agencies for adoption each year.” That’s obviously because about 950,000 American babies are aborted each year. If none of them had been aborted, perhaps all those parents would have been able to adopt a child. - SOURCE